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687 B.C.
Chinese astronomers recorded a meteor shower in Lyra.
ref: science.nasa.gov

The ninteenth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet occurred, as calculated from records including ones by Chinese astronomers.
ref: adsabs.harvard.edu

Born, Harold Jeffreys, English mathematician, statistician, geophysicist, and astronomer (Theory of Probability)
ref: en.wikipedia.org

The Lunar crater Aristarchus exhibited a bright luminescence during the totality of a Lunar eclipse.
ref: en.wikipedia.org

Born, J. Robert Oppenheimer, head of the Manhattan Project which developed the US atomic bomb
ref: en.wikipedia.org

A. Kopff discovered asteroid #680 Genoveva.

H. E. Wood discovered asteroid #715 Transvaalia.

K. Reinmuth discovered asteroids #1042 Amazone and #1043 Beate.

K. Reinmuth discovered asteroid #1209 Pumma.

H. Van Gent discovered asteroid #1226 Golia.

Y. Vaisala discovered asteroid #1567 Alikoski.

The New York World's Fair opened at Flushing Meadow in Queens, New York. Among its features was the US Space Park exhibiting rocket mockups.
US Space Park at the 1964/65 New York World's FairSource: US National Archives and Records Administration via Wikipedia 500px-255-CC-65-HC-223%2C_front.jpg
US Space Park at the 1964/65 New York World's Fair
Source: US National Archives and Records Administration via Wikipedia
ref: en.wikipedia.org

C. Torres discovered asteroid #2976 Lautaro.

1983 13:29:00 GMT
USSR Soyuz T-8 landed after failing to dock with the Salyut 7 space station.
ref: nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov

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